India news from Cricinfo

Monday, July 26, 2010

Motorola Milestone XT720 in India Now

Folks over at FoneArena have reported that Motorola is silently launching its Milestone XT720 in India. The device, which is apparently available at least in Bangalore as of now, is priced at Rs. 30,000. Motorola, however, is yet to officially announce the launch of this one.

Note that Motorola already has a "Milestone" on sale in India which is known as the Motorola "Droid" elsewhere. We are talking about another Milestone here - the XT720. This phone does have similar hardware to the existing Milestone including a 3.7-inch screen, 8 megapixel camera, (up from 5 megapixel on the Milestone), 720p HD video recording. This one, however, comes sans the slide-out QWERTY keyboard. The XT720 comes with Xenon flash - probably the first Android handset to sport one. The XT720 also comes with an HDMI port supports HSDPA, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. It currently comes loaded with Android 2.1 - a stock version at that. So, those of you who were waiting for the Nexus One and were disappointed that it never came to India now have another chance at getting a stock Android phone.

While the specs do sound quite contemporary, you might be somewhat let down by the 600 Mhz processor ARM Cortex A8 processor. Here's an advertisement of the XT720

We tried contacting Motorola to check the veracity of the reports regarding the XT720's purported arrival to India. Our efforts were, however, met with statements like "Stay Tuned" and "We cannot say anything about it right now" as Motorola's corporate communication Arati Mukherjee put it. Another of our sources has hinted at an official launch of the phone by the first week of August.

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