India news from Cricinfo

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Special Olympian wants to make pasta for Sachin Tendulkar

Vincent Menezes, a 20-year-old slow boy, studied at SPJ Sadhana School. He began his school life with the Convent of Jesus and Mary School. But as the school does not take in slow children after the fifth standard, Menezes spent his final five schooling years at Sadhana, learning bakery, cookery and housekeeping.

Today, Menezes works for a restaurant at Grant Road, and is waiting for a break to work in a leading five-star hotel in south Mumbai.
“I love making pastas, my speciality is pink pasta. I mix white sauce with mari-mara sauce, which gives it a pink look and makes it tasty. Among pastries, I like to bake sponge cakes,” he said.
Menezes learnt to play cricket at the maidan near the French Bridge, Opera House. Throughout his childhood, he spent evenings playing the game with his friends. Their encouragement made him serious about cricket.
“My friends encouraged me, and asked me to play in school. I did, and when my teacher saw me, he gifted me my first bat. In 2007, I participated first time in the Special Olympics, playing cricket for India,” Menezes said.
He has only one idol — Sachin Tendulkar. He watches television only when Tendulkar is playing. According to him, there is no other cricketer like Tendulkar. And given a chance, he will cook his favourite pasta for his idol.
“I admire Tendulkar. I like his straight drive the best,” he said. “I only watch cricket on television when he plays.” With a bashful smile, he added, “I want to meet Tendulkar once and I want to make pink pasta for him.”
Menezes won a bronze medal at the Special Olympics in Shanghai — his first ever trip abroad. “It was my first flight abroad. It was nice, but I did not like the Chinese food. I ate only rice and noodles with mushroom and chicken,” he said. “However, I liked their ground. I enjoyed playing cricket and was happy to be a part of the Indian team that stood third at the Special Olympics.”

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